Thank you for stopping by my blog – Explore with Ecokats
Hi, I’m Ketki and I’m from India. I’ve been writing about and documenting my sustainable travels since February 2017. I’ve so far visited 22 states in India and 15 countries along the way.
Why the name Explore with Ecokats?
I get asked this question. So here goes –
When I started my twitter account in 2007, I was asked for a handle when I had no clue what it meant and why was I required to give it since I already had a name. In a jiffy, I wrote ‘kats’, as I was fondly called by my friends. It was of course not available so I just added ‘eco’ because I was studying environmental ecosystems that day in the university. And that’s how ‘Ecokats’ was born and stayed across all social media handles since then because, well, obviously I loved it (duh!) but for 2 more reasons:
1) It had my name, though not the real (yaay, helps a lot at times) and
2) I am an environmentalist and hence this term totally goes with the way I travel and I write
Explore with Ecokats was started not only to document my own journeys but to inspire readers to travel sustainably and become responsible and ethical travelers. My stories and listicles are mainly on wildlife sanctuaries or national parks and even to regular touristy places with a sustainable dash to it.
When did the travel bug bite me?
In my growing years I always saw my father traveling for work within India for almost 20 days in a month and I thought it was so cool to catch flights to a new destination, try new food and shop cool stuff. The experience stayed with me subconsciously.
I only started traveling with my friends during my university days and later on for work. The travel lust grew and I started craving for ethical tours or things which would not harm the environment. I thought the same must be shared with the readers.
I hope this blog inspires you to explore new places sustainably and together we can make this planet more livable.
If you like what you read, please drop a comment or two, and feel free to connect with me on social media.