Last Updated on August 17, 2020 by
An article on health advice for travelers in 2020 is very different from something that may have been written a year ago.
We are living in a time when there is much more to think about than packing sunscreen and first aid items. These things are important, of course, but we now have to worry about the Coronavirus too.
For some, travel might be off the cards for a while because of the perceived risks while away. For others, travel might still be a possibility, with the necessary precautions in place.
If you’re planning on traveling this year, then you really do need to keep COVID-19 in mind. You also need to consider other pieces of health advice for travelers in 2020 that will keep you fit and well on your travels.
In this article, I am going to cover various aspects of health advice in an attempt to cover all of your needs.
Table of Contents
Research your destination
As a rule, you should always research your travel destinations because you need to find out about the health care facilities that are available to you and the vaccinations that you need to have before your travel. But with the Coronavirus in mind, you should also consider your personal safety. There will be some destinations where spikes in the virus have risen, and there will also be those places where crowds of people could be a danger to you.
Choose carefully then, and try to choose a destination that might not be overcrowded. Visit Worldometer and other sites to research Coronavirus cases and avoid those places where you may be put at risk. And talk to your travel company. They should be able to advise you on places that are considered off-limits for now, alongside vaccination advice, so heed the advice they give to you.
Pack your bags with the Coronavirus in mind
Yes, you will need your sunscreen and your first aid kit. You will need the details of local health centres too, and your personal medications. All of these things need to be added to your packing list. But where the coronavirus is concerned, there are a few extra items that need to be included with your travel luggage.
The following items are recommended.
- Washable face masks that protect your nose and mouth
- Plenty of hand sanitizers
- Disinfectant wipes to clean those surfaces where hygiene could be an issue
- Disposable gloves
- A thermometer to regularly test your temperature
Check out this travel packing list for advice on what to pack for all aspects of your travel, including those items that are sensible in the current climate of the pandemic.
Other COVID advice
It is important to remember the safety rules that you are probably already familiar with. Some COVID related health advice for travelers in 2020 is
- Avoid large groups, and maintain social distancing in public places at all times.
- Avoid facilities that appear unhygienic.
- Wash your hands often, especially when you use public transportation, public toilets and any areas of public interest.
- Contact local health services should you start to feel unwell.
- Isolate yourself if you show any virus-related symptoms.
We will talk about general health points in the next few items on this list, but read the article on post-COVID travel advice for other info on how to travel in the wake of the virus.

Be careful with your food choices
Travelling is all about new experiences so you definitely should explore the culinary delights at the new location. However, you do need to take care of the following.
Firstly, try to avoid those places where you suspect hygiene might be an issue. This includes those marketplaces where food is left out in the open. Bacteria can be spread in food when climates are hot and when there is an abundance of flies spreading waste, so be mindful.
If you know you have an intolerance to certain food types, remember to read the packaging on food labels, and be careful when picking from food menus. If you have made the effort to learn the language of the country you are visiting, this should be no problem for you. You will also have the opportunity to ask the supermarket and restaurant staff for advice when choosing food products.
Being hydrated is extremely important as well. If you are concerned about the local tap water, don’t use it for drinking purposes. Use bottled or sterilized water instead, to be safe.
Food poisoning is an issue if you do eat or drink something dodgy, and I probably don’t need to tell you how unpleasant this can be. Do read what to do if you get food poisoning while away to be cautious. If you avoid eating or drinking anything that might be contaminated, you will protect yourself and have a good trip.
Be mindful of hot climates
If you love the sun, you might be tempted to visit places the beaches. If you are careful with a few things, your day to the beach will be fun-filled yet safe.
I have already mentioned sunscreen, and as you will know the importance of this for skincare, we won’t go into detail on it here. As long as you buy the right factor for your skin, and as long as you apply it regularly if outside in the sun, you should be okay. You should also stay in the shade as much as possible, especially during the hottest parts of the day. It’s advisable to wear sleeved items too, but be sure to wear something made from light materials so you don’t become overheated.
Many people neglect their eyes when in the sun, so this is something that deserves special mention here. It’s important to wear sunglasses, as too much direct sunlight can lead to cataracts and eye melanoma if your eyes are unprotected. However, not every pair of sunglasses is the same. Some are better than others for protection against the sun’s UV rays, so shop around and ask for advice. For some general info on the best glasses to wear, use this link to find it easily.
Hydration is obviously important in places where temperatures are hot. Make sure you carry with you sufficient drinking water or juice. Don’t substitute these drinks for anything alcoholic when you need to hydrate yourself. Alcohol dehydrates your body, so limit your intake when you’re out in the sun.

Exercise when you can
If you’re hiking regularly, then exercise won’t be a problem for you. And the same applies if you’re taking part in leisure activities or walking around local towns. But if love to laze on the beach for many hours, or take public transport to get to where you need to be, then you need to do much more to stay fit and healthy.
So, kick off any bad habits, and make some attempt to keep fit each day. Ride a bike instead of taking public transport. Break up your days on the beach with a swim or a walk. And try to fit some of these travel workouts into your itinerary to keep your body in shape. You will then feel healthier, and you will be less likely to suffer when you do decide to take a hike or any other type of strenuous activity.
And Finally
Long-term travel can be life-changing, but you won’t feel the benefits if you fall ill. So, consider each aspect of the advice given here, and commit to further research online to be safe while travelling.
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